Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 69

volume Number : 14
number In Volume : 11
issue Number : 69

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 14، number In Volume 11، ، issue Number 69

The approach of the authors of the advisory of the 4th and 5th centuries AH in the use of Standard character Case Study: Pandnameh of Anoushirvan, Afarinnameh, Siyar al-Muluk, Qaboosnameh, Kimiaye Saadat, Kheradnameh

Faezeh Aghighi , Zohreh Zarshenas (Author in Charge), Farzaneh Goshtasb


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The first Persian advisories in Iran, after the advent of Islam, were written in the 4th and 5th centuries AH . the Writing advisories, at this time, was not only a continuation of the tradition of advisory writing of the Sassanid period, but also had political and social Purposes. advisories contain important points in analyzing the way society thinks And one of the most important parts of them from this perspective is the Standard character they cite. A Standard character is a person who, as the best example in confirming the relevant advice, is quoted or narrated.

METHODOLOGY: In this article, an attempt has been made to study and analyze Standard characters and the reasons for their selection in the Persian advisories of the 4th and 5th centuries AH by the library method. The mentioned texts include Kheradnameh, Afarinnameh, Pandnameh of Anoushirvan, Siyar Al-Muluk, Kimiaye Saadat and Qaboosnameh.

FINDINGS: Authors of the mentioned advisories for choosing Standard characters, regardless of personal thought , have also been noted On the one hand to the values and on the other hand to the existing challenges in society. Therefore, the high frequency of using certain specific Standard Characters or belong to a specific time period or job position, it shows the popularity and efficiency of those people in the society.

CONCLUSION: Examining the texts in this article, shows the attention of authors of the advisory is more focused on the political and then religious and social spheres. Also notice to the Iranian Standard characters or those who were interested in Iranian culture, both in ancient and in the Islamic period, is very prominent.

advisory , Persian , Standard character , the 4th and 5th centuries AH

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